Temasek Review 2022
Sustainability at the Core

Developing a Diverse and Inclusive Institution

Our focus on sustainability as an institution extends from planet to people.

Our staff is our most important asset, and we value diversity and the cross-fertilisation of experiences and ideas. We seek to create an inclusive and cohesive work environment that celebrates and values unique personalities, diverse perspectives, skill sets, and experiences.

We also believe that staff diversity is important. Today, our staff represents 33 nationalities with a gender mix of 55% male to 45% female. Our senior management is 78% male and 22% female.

Temasek embraces diversity and inclusion, ensuring that voices from all backgrounds are heard and individual perspectives are valued

Our Temasek Code of Ethics and Conduct – which includes our Workplace Anti-Violence, Harassment and Victimisation Policy – outlines our responsibilities and conduct for creating an inclusive workplace that provides equal employment, and development and promotion opportunities.


We actively encourage and provide our staff with ample opportunities to continuously develop their competencies and skills and provide them with access to quality training and self-learning opportunities. Aligned with our culture of life-long learning and to keep us up to speed in a rapidly changing world, each staff member underwent an average of 31.8 hours of training last year.

Some of the mandatory training that our staff needed to complete, and undertake continuous retraining in, cover areas such as anti-bribery and corruption, anti-harassment and discrimination as well as the prevention of insider trading, underscoring our commitment to a zero-tolerance approach in these areas.

Health & Safety

We believe that a robust and holistic approach to taking care of the overall well-being and health of our staff is critical for the resilience of our workforce. We have put in place various initiatives, resources and support measures for our staff to take care of their emotional, social, and physical well-being.

Over the past two years, we have been distributing COVID-19 care packages containing essential supplies such as masks, health supplements and wellness equipment to our staff. We also piloted an Immunity Monitoring Programme in our Singapore office, to provide our staff with information on their immunity levels against COVID-19 so that they can take appropriate measures to protect themselves.

All our offices comply with local safety regulations, and we strive to create a safe and conducive workplace environment for our staff. There were no fatalities or high consequence work-related injuries in the past year.