Temasek Review 2022

A Forward Looking Institution

The character of Temasek is shaped by our Purpose, our MERITT values, our Temasek Charter and our business strategy as we strive to do right, as individuals and as a team.

At Temasek, our Purpose Statement “So Every Generation Prospers” guides us to make a difference, by actively shaping and boldly building a better tomorrow for today’s and future generations. One of the ways we do this is by investing in human potential, which, in turn, builds and sustains our portfolio, our institution and our wider communities, always with tomorrow clearly in our minds. We recognise that our success is predicated on a strong focus on our people.

Sustainability is at the core of everything we do. Our commitment to ensuring a more sustainable planet drives our focus as an investor, institution and steward.

Our Purpose Statement guides us to make a difference, by actively shaping and boldly building a better tomorrow for today’s and future generations.

We look for opportunities to invest in companies addressing global sustainability challenges, and to help companies transform business models to be more sustainable. We incorporate Environmental, Social and Governance considerations into our investment decision making and management.

As an owner, we work to understand issues that may impact our portfolio companies and how they might navigate them. This helps us form views about how we might put our catalytic capital to work, mobilising financial, human, social, and natural capital to address future needs. We encourage companies to adopt policies and practices that safeguard and enhance long term sustainability and resilience of their business.

We seek to build a resilient and inclusive Temasek by developing our people, capabilities and processes around sustainability, good governance and a strong set of values. In a rapidly changing world, we are helping our people solve problems with agility, make decisions with conviction, and act with courage to implement them. We do so while encouraging our people to have good hearts and always keep in mind the impact of our decisions on people and communities.

We foster community partnerships and provide gifts to Temasek Trust to uplift lives and build resilience in our communities. We look across generations as a steward, investing with tomorrow in mind. For instance, our philanthropic gifts are structured on twin pillars of governance and sustainability. The gifts provide support for Temasek Foundation to contribute to social progress and strengthen social resilience among beneficiaries and the wider community, broaden collaborations and partnership between peoples, and advance science and nature for a better world. These philanthropic programmes range from education and healthcare to community building and research, and from public service capabilities to sustainability initiatives.

We believe that dialogue and robust exchanges of information, best practices and ideas between stakeholders from the public and private sectors are critical enablers of sustainable solutions and growth.

We support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to promote inclusive prosperity while protecting our planet to bring about a more sustainable world. We sponsor calls for action to stimulate more innovative solutions for an abc World of active and productive economies, beautiful and inclusive societies, and a clean, cool Earth, as a common good.

We achieved our goal of carbon neutrality three years ago and target to halve our net carbon emissions by 2030 over 2010 levels with the ambition to achieve net zero by 2050, in line with the goals of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

We seek to build a resilient Temasek by developing our people, capabilities and processes around sustainability, good governance and a strong set of values.

We engage our stakeholders and partners on sustainability issues, to share wider perspectives, forge partnerships and catalyse solutions.

One of our key engagement platforms is our annual Ecosperity conference, held since 2014. Global business leaders, policymakers, investors and civil society members exchange views and share best practices on sustainable development as well as to drive action for a carbon neutral future.

We continue to promote stewardship through the Stewardship Asia Centre (SAC) which focuses on creating awareness and capability for the practical application of good stewardship through research, education, engagement and advisory services. In April 2022, SAC and Singapore Management University jointly designed an executive education programme The Stewardship Advantage, which aims to enable both personal and organisational growth while addressing the existential threats facing humanity today. The Centre launched Steward Leadership 25 (SL25) in March 2022, an annual listing of 25 stories of steward leadership excellence among organisations in the Asia Pacific region. Organisations in the SL25 list have demonstrated steward leadership in business and human capital strategy and in executing initiatives that create returns which benefit multiple stakeholders. In March 2022, the Centre introduced the second edition of the Singapore Stewardship Principles (SSP) for Responsible Investors, which outlines practices and actions associated to investment stewardship. SSP is also supported by the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the Singapore Exchange.

We advocate good governance and uphold the Santiago Principles for sovereign investments. We had supported the International Monetary Fund initiative to frame these principles back in 2008.

We advocate good governance and uphold the Santiago Principles for sovereign investments.

We continue to engage with regulators, stakeholders and other thought leaders in their development of principles that recognise trustworthy capital, in the midst of an environment of heightened scrutiny towards foreign investments.

We advocate good governance and uphold the Santiago Principles for sovereign investments.